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Recording Workplace Conversations Could Lead to More Problems


When there is an issue at work, it is natural to seek justice. You may be seeking ways to prove your side of the story, but recording workplace conversations without the consent of the others involved in the conversation could lead to more issues.

Under Ohio law, the recording itself is not a criminal offense but that does not mean recordings can be collected without any problems. Secret recordings are not always strong pieces of evidence, they need to be gathered in the correct manner. In order to seek and secure the proper documentation, you need an experienced employment lawyer advising you through the process. Talk to a Columbus employment attorney today.

Identifying and Securing Information

Having a system in place when you start gathering information is the best practice when collecting documents to strengthen a claim. For some, this is done with actual documents, but in an increasingly digital world having an online system works for most. For instance, send an email to a private email account of yours and always use the same subject line so it is easy for you to find it in the future. This can be helpful as the dates and times are recorded along with the behavior that occurred.

Once you know how the information will be collected, you can discuss what is needed with an experienced employment lawyer and begin identifying usable materials throughout your workdays.

Some examples of important documents include the following:

  • Employee handbooks and any changes to the handbook that are implemented.
  • Established company policies and procedures.
  • Disciplinary conversations and letters.
  • Rules that are distributed to staff members.
  • Job descriptions and training manuals.
  • Emails and company-wide communications from leadership.
  • Staff schedules and commission structures.
  • Expense reports and sales logs.
  • Income documents, from check stubs to tax forms.
  • Employee benefits, the paperwork needed to enroll, and performance records.

Establish Witnesses When Possible

To strengthen a claim, it is beneficial to have a clear understanding of how a business is structured and how employees are treated. For this reason, it is helpful when a person takes notes of everyone they interacted with at their workplace. The list could include co-workers, supervisors, leadership teams, and subordinates, when appropriate. Also make a list of contact information. Then, when needed, individuals can be contacted to be credible witnesses.

As you can see, there are many ways to establish your case and move forward with a strong claim. While recording a conversation could be part of the process, be sure to discuss your situation with a Columbus employment attorney to build a strategy that is solid and legal, each step of the way.

Do you have questions about the legality of recording work conversations? The employment lawyers at Coffman Legal LLC can answer your questions. We are strong and committed advocates for all Ohio workers and use our experience and knowledge to help you. Call 614-949-1181 for a free and confidential consultation.


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